Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Glad to have Old Trusty Zert Back in the Group

 Amazing how one successful adventure can change a person for the better.  I was glad our old friend was eager to go adventure again with us.  We will need every sword for going against the Moat House.  Hopefully the town elders can get the local lords to act now.  

We cannot do everything.  We rush to one location to quell the evil only for it to sprout anew in another.  Since the beginning of this I have felt we can do nothing without the backing of the local lords.  Who dismissed all reports as just local banditry that has gone on for generations.  With the evidence of the Werewolf, the Witch's Diary, and the Letter from the Moat House I feel we have now established enough evidence of a bigger problem than just local banditry.  They must listen to our call for aid now.  

I have not heard from my Dwarven People on our attempt to collect on our bill to the Tower People.  With my new party I collected some of the payment back.  However, the leaders escaped.  Perhaps they went to the Moat House?  Maybe I will see them and be able to present them with a bill & interest must be charged.  The Kron Hills Dwarves always get paid!  

Dixon of the Kron Hills Dwarves on this Coldeven 2, 576 CY

Monday, October 7, 2024

Episode 2 / Session 35 – Hommlet’s Sanctuary and the Rising Shadow

Coldeven 1, 576 CY – Morning

Temperature: 8.4°F to 31°F
Wind: Light breeze (SW), 4-7 MPH
Precipitation: Light snow
Cloud cover: Overcast

As dawn breaks, the group stirs from their makeshift camp, eager to close the final stretch to Hommlet. Two days more. The biting cold clings to their bones, and a light snow falls steadily from the heavy clouds above. The air is frigid—so cold that every breath billows in front of their faces like smoke. Even bundled in their cloaks, the chill is relentless.

Slash the Bard, his face gaunt and pale, looks worse with every passing moment. The venom from the drider’s bite has spread, leaving him weak and barely able to stay upright. His breath is shallow, and his eyes glassy. There’s no time to waste. If they don’t reach Hommlet soon, he won’t survive the night.

After a quick and meager breakfast, the party sets out, trudging through snowdrifts that seem to grow with each step. The bard’s condition deteriorates rapidly, his balance faltering as he struggles to stay on his horse. The others glance at him nervously—they know they may not be able to save him if they don’t reach the village soon.

The snow falls relentlessly all day, covering the road and making progress slow. But with Dog leading the way, ever vigilant, they press on. As dusk settles in, they stop briefly to rest and light a small fire. Looking at Slash, they know they can’t afford to wait for morning. He won’t make it. With determination in their hearts, they decide to push forward through the night.

Coldeven 2, 576 CY – Before Dawn

After what feels like an eternity, with Dog guiding them by lantern light, the village of Hommlet finally comes into view. Exhausted but relieved, the group trudges into town just before daybreak. They’ve made it, but barely.

Without hesitation, TerryOr leads the group to the Church of St. Cuthbert. Together, they push through the doors into the chapel, their boots heavy with snow. The acolyte hurries off to wake Canon Terjon, who emerges from his quarters, bleary-eyed but alert. One look at Slash tells him everything he needs to know.

“This way,” he says, his voice urgent, and they follow him to the infirmary. There, under the glow of flickering candles, Canon Terjon kneels beside the Bard and prays to St. Cuthbert. As his hands rest upon Slash, the divine energy flows through him, neutralizing the poison coursing through the bard’s veins. Slowly, color returns to Slash’s face, and his breathing steadies. The party breathes a collective sigh of relief.

The group finally takes the rest they so desperately need, collapsing into deep, dreamless sleep. When they awaken, the acolytes have prepared a hearty breakfast, and fresh clothes await them along with baths and healing for their wounds. The warmth of the church is a welcome reprieve from the cold and danger of the road.

Later that afternoon, when the adventurers are ready, Burne and Canon Terjon meet with them to discuss what they’ve learned. Burne examines the dispatch addressed to "Lareth the Beautiful," his face grim.

“Exactly as I feared,” Burne mutters. “The Temple is stirring once again. We’ll have to deal with this Lareth. I’ve only heard rumors—an evil priest, said to serve various dark gods, including those tied to elemental chaos. We must act quickly.”

As Burne and Terjon strategize, the group gathers around. They try to use the healing power of the rod they’ve been carrying, but something is off—it doesn’t respond as it should. Irving the Reluctant steps forward and casts detect chaos on the rod, and the truth is revealed: the rod is steeped in chaotic evil. Even TerryOr backs away from it, his face pale with concern.

The mood shifts when Zert, the hired fighter, returns to reunite with the group. He’s made it safely to Hommlet, escorting the freed captives—a man and woman of high status from Highport. They’ve been through an ordeal, kidnapped weeks ago by a group of slavers working in league with the Temple of Elemental Evil. The captives reveal that hundreds of people have been taken from the Wild Coast, enslaved for the Temple’s nefarious purposes. The connections between the Temple and the slavers in Highport are now undeniable. Something must be done.

With the immediate crisis behind them, the group prepares for the next leg of their journey. They decide the moathouse will be their next destination, but first, they must resupply. They visit the trader’s establishment and gather the essentials:

  • 2 mules (30 gp each)
  • 2 horses (40 gp each)
  • Large saddlebags (8 gp)
  • A bow (40 gp)
  • Rations for a week (10 gp)
  • 20 iron spikes (5 gp)
  • 10 days of grain for the animals (5 gp)

The mules are loaded with supplies—torches, oil, shovels, ropes, and weapons—ready for whatever dangers lie ahead. But as they finish their preparations, a heavy snowstorm blankets the village, dropping several feet of snow and making travel impossible. Reluctantly, they decide to delay their journey to the moathouse, waiting until the morning of Coldeven 3 to set out.

So ends Coldeven 2, 576 CY.

Monday, September 30, 2024

Episode 2 / Session 34 - Shadows of the Moathouse: After the Norker Assault

Readying 27 – Noon

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting weak light through the gray clouds, TerryOr gazed down the snow-covered road. His heart sank when he spotted Slash the Bard lying in the middle of the path, slumped next to his horse. It was clear the poison from the drider had weakened him so severely that he could no longer stay on horseback. The bard’s pale face was a stark reminder that time was slipping away.

Dog, ever vigilant, caught a subtle movement in the bushes. His hand instinctively went to his weapon as he crept toward the underbrush. The faint rustling gave away the presence of the cultist from earlier—a dark-robed figure hiding and waiting for the right moment to strike again. But Dog wouldn’t give him the chance. In one swift and silent motion, Dog dispatched the evil magic-user before he could even utter a spell.

After recovering the bard, the group searched the fallen cultist. The spoils of their kill were impressive: a healing potion, a magic scroll which Spugnior quickly claimed as payment, a wand of fire taken by Oleg, a dagger of venom also claimed by Oleg, a vial of anti-venom given to TerryOr, and, curiously, a folded piece of parchment.

Dixon and Oleg huddled together, translating the message scrawled in Goblin. It was a receipt—a sinister transaction record. The letter was addressed to someone named Lareth the Beautiful, detailing the delivery of 20 Norkers to join forces at the moathouse. Their ultimate destination? The Temple of Elemental Evil. The implications of this alliance weighed heavily on the party. What evil was being orchestrated at the Temple?

Afternoon and Evening

With Slash stabilized and the group’s wounds tended, they pressed on through the snow, hearts heavy with the knowledge of the dark forces they faced. The day dragged as they traveled west, the wind biting at their faces, and the snow crunching beneath their boots. As dusk fell, they made camp, the fire flickering in the icy wind.

During the third watch, the calm of the night was broken. From the shadows of the surrounding forest, the soft patter of paws on snow reached their ears. Wolves, hungry and seeking an easy meal, circled the camp, their eyes glowing in the darkness.

Despite his weakened state, Slash found just enough strength to reach for his instrument. With trembling hands, he played a soft, haunting melody that cut through the chill of the night. The wolves, entranced by the bard’s song, slowly backed away, disappearing into the woods as if under a spell. The group breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Readying 28 – Morning

The next morning greeted the party with a bone-chilling cold and the relentless falling of snow. The weight of the previous days' battles was wearing on them all, but none more so than Slash. The poison in his veins had worsened overnight, affecting his balance and making every step a struggle.

The day’s journey was arduous. The snow deepened with each passing hour, slowing their progress. By late afternoon, exhausted and nearly frozen, they found a suitable spot to camp before nightfall.

As the others set up camp and kindled a fire for warmth, Dog once again went scouting. His keen eyes quickly caught signs of a struggle nearby. The snow around the area was disturbed, and tracks led in all directions. Following the trail, Dog discovered the remnants of a battle. There, near a concealed campfire, lay the bodies of four dead goblins, lined up neatly as though by some grim order. A small pile of stones rested beside them, perhaps a crude marker.

Dog knelt, studying the tracks. From the size of the boot prints, it looked like Zert and the two freed captives had been here, likely fending off the goblin attackers. Though the tracks were faint and snow-covered, Dog knew they had come too late to help. He attempted to track the goblins’ movements but found no clear direction.

End of Readying 28

The night passed without incident, a quiet but uneasy calm settling over the camp. Though they were just two days from Hommlet, the dangers ahead loomed large, and the weight of Slash’s poisoned condition hung over them like a dark cloud.

So ends the day of Readying 28, 576 CY, with the shadow of the Temple looming larger than ever before.

Loot and XP:

Wand of "Special Fire"

Dagger of Venom

Potion of healing

Scroll of 3 spells

Dispatch to Larenth the Beautiful 

1624 XP

Greyhawk Calendar

Monday, September 23, 2024

Chapter 2 / Episode 33 – The Road to Hommlet and the Rising Evil

Morning of Readying 27, 576 CY

The morning sun peeked over the horizon, casting a soft, pale light on the cold landscape. The party stirred from their slumber, exhausted from the battle with the drider the night before. Slash the Bard remained pale and weak, the venom from the drider’s bite still coursing through his veins. Every breath he took was labored, and the clock was ticking. Hommlet—and a cure—was still days away.

As the group stretched and prepared for the day's travel, a comforting smell filled the air. TerryOr, the cleric of St. Cuthbert, had a surprise waiting for them. Over the crackling campfire, he cooked several pounds of fresh bacon he'd brought all the way from Hommlet. The sound of sizzling grease and the smoky aroma lifted the group's spirits, a small comfort amid their dire circumstances.

Slash, propped up against a tree, groaned as the smell hit his nose. The poison reacted violently to the rich food, nearly causing him to vomit, but Dixon the Dwarf chuckled heartily as he wolfed down the bacon, savoring each bite.

Dog, the ever-watchful ranger, was not as relaxed. Something didn’t feel right. His instincts gnawed at him, and as he stood, eyes scanning the road, he caught sight of movement in the distance. A large group of figures marched westward, straight toward Hommlet.

Without a word, Dog slipped away from the fire, moving silently down the eastern road to scout the threat. As he drew closer, his heart sank. A mob of over a dozen Norkers—vicious goblinoid creatures with tough hides and twisted faces—marched toward them. At their head was a humanoid figure draped in dark robes, bearing the unmistakable sigil of the Earth Elemental Chaos.

Dog hurried back to the group, the urgency clear in his eyes. “Norkers,” he muttered. “And one of them... a leader. Earth Elemental Chaos.”

Dixon's face went grim. He knew all too well how dangerous these creatures were.

The group quickly sprang into action. TerryOr, ever resourceful, crafted a bacon grease bomb from the remains of breakfast, its slick mess ready to turn the battlefield to their advantage. Dixon helped Slash onto the back of the horse, but the bard was still too weak, his stomach churning violently at the mix of poison and bacon.

Spugious the Conjurer and the Oleg Leafspring, half-elf magic-user/thief found cover at a safe distance, preparing their spells for the inevitable clash. Meanwhile, Dog took up a hidden position, his eyes locked on the humanoid leader who seemed to radiate dark power.

The Norkers came into view, their snarling faces twisted in rage as they marched. The air was thick with tension as the party prepared for the fight.

Then, it began.

Dixon charged, war axe raised, while Irving the Reluctant followed, bolstered by a rare burst of courage. Spugious cast Sleep, and several Norkers fell to the ground, slumbering beneath the weight of his magic. TerryOr hurled his bacon grease bomb, and a couple of Norkers slipped and fell, cursing as they struggled to rise from the slick ground.

Dog, ever the tactician, lay in wait. As the leader of the Norkers—the evil wizard bearing the Earth Elemental Chaos symbol—passed his hiding spot, Dog struck with precision. The two clashed fiercely, but the wizard, skilled in dark arts, narrowly evaded Dog's strikes and vanished into the woods, his escape leaving an ominous mark on the battle.

One by one, the Norkers were dispatched, their blood staining the snow-covered ground. But it had been a costly fight. Several of the party members lay wounded, their bodies battered by the ferocity of the Norkers' attacks. TerryOr moved swiftly, casting Cure Light Wounds to bring them back to consciousness, while Dog administered first aid, stopping the worst of the bleeding.

As the battlefield fell silent, Dixon and Dog noticed one Norker still alive, trembling in fear. Grabbing the creature by the throat, Dixon began questioning it in Goblin, his voice low and menacing.

“Where were you headed?” Dixon demanded.

The Norker sneered at first, but after a swift threat, it spat out the truth. “The Temple… the Temple of Elemental Evil is calling. The forces gather. You cannot stop it.”

Dixon’s heart sank. The rumors were true—the dark powers within the Temple were stirring once more.

With the battle over, the group divided the spoils. Each received 30 gold pieces from the fallen Norkers. Always resourceful, Dog took the time to skin one of the creatures, planning to fashion armor from the tough hide later.

XP: 157 each
Gold: 30 each

The shadow of the Temple is looming larger than ever before.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Chapter 2 / Episode 32 - Losing the Rod and Meeting TerryOr the Acolyte

Chapter 2 / Episode 32 – Losing the Rod and Meeting TerryOr the Acolyte

Readying 26, 576 CY
At dawn, the party awakens, ready to continue their five-day journey back to Hommlet. The temperature is a mild 44 degrees, with partly cloudy skies—a warmer, more pleasant day than they've seen in recent weeks.

As they gather their supplies and prepare to set out, the sound of a horse galloping towards them breaks the morning calm. A travel-worn rider emerges, his horse foaming at the bit, clearly pushed hard through the night. The man is draped in a torn tabard of St. Cuthbert and looks familiar. It is TerryOr, an acolyte from the Church of St. Cuthbert in Hommlet.

TerryOr greets the party with a weary smile, explaining that Canon Terjon sent him to provide aid. Recognizing him as a trusted ally, the party welcomes him without hesitation. He is asked if he crossed paths with Zert, to which he replies that he had, just two days prior. Zert was alive and well, still escorting the freed prisoners.

With a few murmured prayers to St. Cuthbert, TerryOr casts Cure Light Wounds on the party, focusing on healing Dog, whose wounds from the yeti still linger.

The party resumes their westward trek towards Hommlet, with Slash the Bard leading the way. As dusk falls, the fading light reveals a figure standing in the road ahead. The figure is a dark, elvish woman, her body adorned in a shimmering spider-silk bikini that gleams ominously in the twilight. She addresses the bard directly, her voice smooth and unsettling:

"Hello, Bard. You have something I want."

Before anyone can react, the woman casts a Suggestion spell. Slash’s will falters, and he obediently reaches into his pack, retrieving a piece of the Rod of Six Parts. Without hesitation, he hands it over to the mysterious woman. In an instant, she envelops the area in magical darkness, plunging the party into chaos.

From the shadows, four enormous spiders emerge, their legs clicking and fangs dripping venom. A fierce battle ensues. The elven magic-user/thief falls early, overcome by the spiders’ swift strikes. Amid the turmoil, the woman transforms into a terrifying drider, half-elven, half-spider, and strikes at Slash. Her venomous bite injects a deadly poison, paralyzing the bard.

Despite their best efforts, the party struggles. Dixon the Dwarf swings wildly but cannot seem to land a single blow. When the dust finally settles, the drider vanishes with a portion of the Rod, leaving the party victorious but battered. Slash remains poisoned and immobile, teetering on the brink of death with no apparent cure for the dark venom coursing through his veins.

Desperate, the group knows their only hope lies in getting Slash back to Hommlet and seeking Canon Terjon’s aid. The journey ahead is fraught with peril, and the clock is ticking for their fallen companion.

So ends Readying 26, 576 CY.

XP: 100 each

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Chapter 2 / Episode 31 – The Return Journey Begins

Chapter 2 / Episode 31 – The Journey Begins

Readying 23, 576 CY

The cold, stone walls of the tower were quiet as Zert and the freed captives took their leave, their footsteps fading into the snowy distance. The group, still weary from their previous battles, chose to remain within the tower's relative safety. The decision was a practical one—they needed time to rest, tend to their wounds, and regain their strength for the long journey ahead.

Readying 25, 576 CY

After two days of recovery, the party—Dog the Ranger, Slash the Bard, Dixon the Dwarf, and a medium warhorse laden with supplies and treasure—set out from the tower and began their seven-day march back to Hommlet. The morning was crisp, the air biting as a light wind swept over the fresh blanket of snow covering the road. Each step crunched beneath their boots as they pressed westward, the silence of the wilderness only occasionally broken by the distant cry of a bird or the soft jingle of the horse’s harness.

Dog, ever vigilant, took his place scouting ahead of the group, his sharp eyes scanning the road and the snow-draped woods on either side. His instincts had served them well in the past, but on this day, even Dog was caught off guard.

Before noon, as he moved quietly through the underbrush, something stirred in the shadows ahead. A hulking figure, nearly invisible against the snow, emerged from the trees. It was a yeti, towering and menacing, its long white fur blending seamlessly with its icy surroundings. The beast's pale blue eyes, almost colorless, fixed on Dog with a feral intensity, and its ivory-white claws glistened in the winter light.

Without warning, the yeti charged.

Dog barely had time to react as the creature bore down on him. He shouted a warning to the others just as the yeti’s massive claws raked across his armor, sending him stumbling back, blood seeping from the deep gashes. The battle was on.

Dixon and Slash rushed to Dog’s aid, weapons drawn. Dixon, his heart pounding with the weight of the looming fight, swung his axe with all his might, but the yeti’s thick fur and dense muscle made it a tough adversary. Slash, his hands trembling slightly, raised the Rod of Six Parts and invoked its healing magic, but he knew the real challenge would be keeping the beast at bay.

The yeti fought with a primal fury, its roars echoing through the trees. Its claws slashed through the air with deadly precision, and for a moment, it seemed the group might be overwhelmed. But through sheer determination and teamwork, they managed to turn the tide. Blow after blow, they wore the creature down, and finally, with a mighty swing of Dixon’s axe, the yeti fell, crashing into the snow in a lifeless heap.

Dog, badly wounded from the fight, leaned heavily on his bow, his breaths shallow and strained. Slash, still clutching the Rod, moved to his side and channeled the artifact's healing power. The familiar warmth of its magic flowed through Dog’s body, mending his wounds and easing the pain.

The group took a moment to catch their breath, the snow now stained red from the fierce battle. After gathering their wits, they pressed on, knowing that danger lurked on the road to Hommlet.

Several hours later, as dusk approached, they stumbled upon a campsite nestled near the edge of a forest. The remnants of a fire and discarded refuse told them it had been used recently. Dog, ever the keen tracker, inspected the area and confirmed that Zert and his group had camped here two nights before. The tracks were still visible, and the signs of their passing were unmistakable.

Satisfied that the area was safe, the group set up camp for the night. As the fire crackled and the warmth spread through their small camp, they allowed themselves a brief moment of calm. The night passed without incident, and though the dangers of the wilderness still loomed, the party found solace in the quiet of the snow-covered landscape.

So ended Readying 25, 576 CY, with the road to Hommlet stretching ever onward.

XP: 185 each

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Chapter 2 / Episode 30 - Readying 23 - Morning

 Readying 23 - Morning

Zert leaves with the rescued captives. He will take them to Hommlet.

Group secures the watchtower and plans for the next step.

Meeting summary for Hommlet Dark (08/22/2024)
Quick recap
The team discussed various issues related to their online gaming session, including potential platform changes, the value of collectibles, and the importance of weapon proficiency. They also deliberated on a range of topics including a current situation involving a spell book and hostages, the discovery of valuable items in a secret cellar area, and strategies for tracking a base in the snowy region. Lastly, they planned for an upcoming mission, discussing the equipment and supplies needed, the potential dangers of their journey, and the status of their team members.
Next steps
• All players to return to Hommlet with evidence of cultist activities.
• Dixon to bury his share of treasure in the tower.
• Slash and Dog to load their shares of treasure onto the horse.
• All players to pack 2 weeks of rations, weapons, and survival gear for the journey.
• Dog to perform perimeter checks during travel.
• Angelo to determine weather conditions for the journey back.
• All players to prepare to send messages to Lord in Verbobonc upon reaching Hamlet.
• Angelo to reach out to the player playing the cleric about their return.
• Dixon to contact potential new player about joining the game.
• Angelo to update on Eric Coe's return in another week.
• All players to plan next steps for investigating the Abbey and the Temple of Elemental Evil.
• Angelo to prepare for potential return of more players in upcoming sessions.
Online Gaming, Costs, and Discounts
Angelo, Dixon, and Dog discussed various issues related to their online gaming session, including potential platform changes and the challenges of sharing character sheets. They also talked about the high costs associated with certain goods and services, such as magic cards, and shared personal experiences related to these costs. Lastly, they discussed their experiences with a local establishment that offered discounts to customers who paid in advance or during off-peak hours.
Collectibles, Comics, and Cleared Tower
Dixon and Angelo discussed the value of various collectibles, including comic books, baseball cards, and a large collection of Marvel comics inherited from a friend. They also talked about the potential value of old books and modules, with Dixon mentioning that the only modules he had that were worth anything were his judges' guild ones. The conversation then shifted to a tower they had cleared, and they discussed a book called the World Book of Cause, which was worth a lot of money. They also touched on a list of items they had found, including potions, cloth, and a Witch's book, which they decided to take back to town for further examination.
Weapon Proficiency and Character Progression
Angelo, Dixon, Dog, and Slash focused on the importance of weapon proficiency in their role-playing game. Angelo clarified the difference between proficiency and mastery, emphasizing that proficiency is mandatory. The team also discussed the use of magical items, with Dixon confirming the possession of potions of visibility and extra healing. They further delved into character weapon proficiencies, combat strategies, and the acquisition of new weapons. Dixon's character progressed, gaining new spells and abilities, and the group explored the potential for finding additional weapons in the game's world.
Angelo and Dixon's Hostage Situation and Agreement Termination
Angelo and Dixon discussed a range of topics including their past experience with disassembling a barn and selling the wood, and a current situation involving a spell book and hostages. They decided to use detect magic and detect alignment on the hostages, confirming that there were no evil forces present. They also found a piece believed to be the second piece of a rod, which would not snap back into the other piece. A deal was made for Angelo to escort three hostages back to their nearest town in exchange for 300 gold pieces, with Angelo bearing the cost of the escort and taking the hostages' two donkeys and as much food as they could carry. The group also decided to terminate their previous agreement with Angelo.
Secret Cellar Discovery and Spoils
Angelo led a discussion about a secret cellar area within a tower, including the discovery of valuable items in three chests on the third floor where Smoother conducts research. The team decided to divide the loot, with each member receiving 475 gold pieces. They debated how to handle a situation where a third party demanded a larger share than initially agreed upon, considering both confrontational and peaceful options. The team discussed sharing the spoils with the absent Zurch upon his return. Angelo excitedly shared his new Ventriloquism spell with the group, who discussed its potential uses alongside other spells. The team expressed disappointment over not finding scrolls during the expedition.
Snowy Region Base Tracking and Security
Dog and Angelo discussed tracking a base in the snowy region, with Dog extending the tracking area by 80 feet into the tree line. Angelo suggested Dog take the first watch on a tower, and a rotation was set for subsequent watches involving Slash, Dixon, and Mark Craft. No incidents occurred during the night. Zert departed with prisoners, donkeys, and supplies, expecting a share of any treasures found. The group then discussed securing the premises against intruders by blocking access points and potentially hiring guards from a nearby loyal village. They planned to bury the chest's contents and retrieve them later. Dixon suggested getting dogs as added security. The group intended to return to town on the 23rd at 3:00 PM to resupply and receive their next mission, possibly involving the tower of the two rod parts. Angelo mentioned a scenario where the team would wake up the next morning after an unspecified event, with hit points to recover.
Aurora's Cultist Journal and Abbey Journey
Angelo presented Aurora's cultist journal, referencing elemental cults and their rivalry. The team decided to return to the Abbey with information to locate the next fire elemental rod part sent to the Temple of Elemental Evil. They planned their journey, packing supplies on a horse, constructing sleds, and utilizing secondary skills for potential snow issues. Slash and Dog volunteered to carry extra blankets and tarp.
Treasure Loading for Medium War Horse
Angelo, Slash, and Dixon discussed how much treasure they could carry on a medium war horse. They decided to take 1,500 gold pieces, 20 platinum pieces, and leave 1,000 silver pieces buried. This totals 3,500 gold pieces of weight capacity, which the horse can carry along with their rations. Dixon plans to leave his share of the treasure buried as well.
Equipment and Supplies for Upcoming Mission
The team discussed the equipment and supplies needed for an upcoming mission. They decided to bring along various items including torches, oil, bolts, crossbows, spears, water skins, rope, and blankets. Angelo estimated the weight of the equipment to be around 2,600 pounds, which they agreed would not overload their horse. Additionally, they planned to take extra food and two potions - one for invisibility and one for extra healing. The team also discussed the possibility of hiding some of the equipment, such as the bolts for the crossbows, to avoid detection.
Team's Destination and Ship Adjustments
The team, consisting of Angelo, Dixon, Slash, and Dog, deliberated on their next destination, debating between Abbey and a church, and the potential dangers of their journey. They also discussed the possibility of burying their ship with dwarves or going empty-handed to replace the weight with more weapons. The team considered disrupting a cult and using a rod to seal the temple, with the decision to present their gathered evidence to the Lord. They planned to continue their journey the following week, focusing on favorable weather conditions, and discussed the status of their team members, including the need for more players.

Glad to have Old Trusty Zert Back in the Group

 Amazing how one successful adventure can change a person for the better.  I was glad our old friend was eager to go adventure again with us...