Thursday, September 28, 2023

Chapter 1 / Episode 3 - Surrender, in the name of the Abbey!!!

Fireseek 5
Craddock the Mad (Ranger lvl 1)
Crush The Half-Orc1 AC1 HP6
Kure Acolyte (Cleric 1)
Lornan Calihye Level 1 1/2 Elf AC 9
Slash the Bard 1

The trail is passing through wooded hills, but is keeping to the lowlands between them, making the going easier for the carts.

On Fireseek 5, 567 CY

The day was cold, overcast, and a biting wind cut through the travelers’ cloaks as they made their way along the muddy road toward Hommlet. The road was flanked by dense woods on one side and a meandering hills on the other. The tranquility of the journey was broken only by the rhythmic clatter of wagon wheels and the occasional lowing of oxen.

As the caravan approached a narrow, winding section of the road, the dense woods seemed to close in, casting long shadows. A man stepped out blocking the road, “Surrender, in the name of the Abbey!!!”

The group chooses not to surrender.

After the unexpected resistance, the bandit leader orders a retreat, jumping on horses to escape.

By the time the mist cleared and the dust settled, three ox cart drivers lay dead, and two bandits from the Abbey of the Elemental God of Water had been killed. The surviving members of the caravan were left shaken and wary as they continued their journey to Hommlet, now fully aware that they were not the only travelers on these treacherous roads.

The bandits have the garb of The Elemental Water God

Ranger tracks the bandits and determines the headed NorthWest

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Hommlet Darker Session A - The missing children

Fireseek 1

Black Lung Gordon the Thief 1
The Druid

The Village of Hommlet, typically a peaceful and idyllic hamlet, has been shrouded in an unnerving silence this winter. The usual sounds of laughter and merriment from the locals have given way to hushed whispers and worried expressions. The bitter cold has gripped the land, and the snow-covered streets are all but deserted.

As your group of adventurers seeks refuge from the biting cold inside the cozy common room of the Welcome Wench inn, you overhear a conversation at a nearby table. A group of villagers is discussing the disappearance of several residents, including the village’s elder, Sir Mordrins’ daughter (age 18), Scarlet and Torbins’ Herdboy (age 8). It’s said that they went missing without a trace.

Rumors swirl among the locals, some attributing these disappearances to the harsh winter, while others speak of something more sinister lurking in the nearby moors. An air of fear and uncertainty hangs over the village, and the villagers are too afraid to investigate themselves.

Just as you ponder the situation, an elderly villager named Eadric approaches your table. Wrinkles line his weathered face, and his eyes are filled with concern. In a hushed tone, he confides in your group, explaining that he believes these disappearances are no coincidence. Eadric tells you about ancient legends and forgotten prophecies that suggest a dark force awakens during the harsh winters of certain years.

He believes that the missing villagers may be linked to this ominous force and implores you to investigate their disappearances. Eadric warns that time is running out, and if the legends hold true, the consequences could be dire not only for Hommlet but for the entire region.

The group is in the Inn of the welcome wench and go speak with the village eldar who tells of his daughter picking berries in the swamp, now missing since mid-winters day.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Chapter 1 / Episode 2 - The cold winter night and the arrow...

Cast of Characters
Craddock the Mad (Ranger lvl 1)
Crush The Half-Orc1 AC1 HP6
Lornan Calihye Level 1 1/2 Elf AC 9
Slash the Bard 1

Greyhawk Calendar

Fireseek 4
The caravan spends its day entirely beneath the canopy of the forest. Towards the end of the day, the trail gets noticeably rougher as it enters more hilly terrain, and thus the caravan moves more slowly.

Our group rushes up to the caravan to find Evard laying on his back with an arrow in his chest. He tells Slash the Bard 1 to sing him a requiem and closes his eyes.
Craddock the Mad (Ranger lvl 1) looks around for the attackers and finds nothing. The tracks seem to be covered by the falling snow.

Craddock the Mad (Ranger lvl 1) investigates the arrow and notes that is is military grade.

The group head forward for a couple miles and the snow finally stops. They decide to make camp.

During first watch, Crush The Half-Orc1 AC1 HP6 is struck by an arrow in the upper right leg.

Lornan Calihye Level 1 1/2 Elf AC 9 tries desperately to circle around on horseback. It is almost like the attackers have vanished into thin air.

Craddock the Mad (Ranger lvl 1) examines the arrow. It is the same make and style of the previous arrow.

They are being hunted….

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Chapter 1 / Episode 1 - Journey to Hommlet Begins....

Introduction to Journey to Hommlet

Cast of Characters
Craddock the Mad (Ranger lvl 1)
Jed Bonebridge (Cavalier)
Kure Acolyte (Cleric 1)
Lornan Calihye Level 1 1/2 Elf AC 9
Slash the Bard1
Crush The Half-Orc1 AC1 HP6

Greyhawk Calendar

Fireseek 1
The ranger goes out ahead of the caravan.
Eerie sounds from the trees.

The caravan leaves Narwell heading due west towards the Jewel River and the Gnarley Forest. It makes camp on the trail, and the night is uneventful.

Fireseek 2
Ranger scouts west and finds a simple campsite left behind by fellow travelers, with a small fire pit and some discarded items.

The caravan continues due west, arriving at a ford across the Jewel river in late afternoon. The caravan stays in the small village of Redpatch, on the east bank of the river. The village does not have an inn, and the caravan must overnight in a field nearby.

The horses get uneasy early in the morning before dawn.

Fireseek 3
The caravan passes through the village of Dunmarsh on the edge of the forest, and enters the Gnarley near dusk, making camp only a mile or so within its boundaries. The caravan lead drover points out that their pace will slow considerably once they enter the forest, so every mile is precious.

Fireseek 4
The group wakes up to a freezing morning. The ranger and bard go forward to search around as everyone prepares the horses. Simultaneously they hear a bird call — then an answer. It does not sound natural. They run back to the group.

Set up an ambush and send the caravan forward. 20 minutes go by, nothing.

Something is not right. The Cavalier / Half-Elf / Crush rush forward to see the lead merchant fall to the ground.

Episode 2 / Session 36 – Assault on the moathouse

Coldeven 3, 576 CY Morning