Thursday, November 30, 2023

Chapter 1 / Episode 10 - Day 12 - Day 14 The moathouse bandits attack and the arrival at Hommlet

Fireseek 12

Lornan Calihye Level 1 1/2 Elf AC 9
Slash the Bard 1
Xanthus the Elf (neutral)
DEAD gnome – dan -
Kast – Medium – Human

Attacked by Bandits with a flaming eye symbol on their tunics.

The group fights them off.

Fireseek 13
Verbobonc Patrol

Fireseek 14

The caravan reaches the village of Hommlet near sunset. The Inn of the Welcome Wench provides a welcome sight indeed, as the prospect of a safe and soft bed, good hot food, and the end of your mission is at hand.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Chapter 1 / Episode 9 - The Fire Zombies

Crush The Half-Orc1 AC1 HP6
Lornan Calihye Level 1 1/2 Elf AC 9
Slash the Bard 1
Xanthus the Elf (neutral)

Day 12 on the road
The caravan follows the trail through the Kron Hills westward. You see evidence of habitation; occasional isolated farms.

The road goes ever on and these zombies turn to flames!
Attacked by Zombies dressed as the garb from a day earlier.

The flail is evil
Slash the Bard 1 finds out the hard way.

The group heading thru the Kron hills and are stopped by an unfamiliar group

Friday, November 10, 2023

Chapter 1 / Episode 8 - The Death of Kure

Dead – Kure Acolyte (Cleric 1)
Lornan Calihye Level 1 1/2 Elf AC 9
Slash the Bard 1

Fireseek 10
The caravan remains under the thick branches of the trees, stopping for the night at a fork, with a smaller trail heading south. In the morning, the caravan will continue westward.

A group of sylvan elves on a hunting expedition joins the party and shares a meal. The group learns valuable information about the bandit factions in the area, especially the allegiance to the Chaotic Elemental Gods.

Fireseek 11
The caravan finally emerges from the canopy of the forest, making camp in the Kron Hills an hour or so after emerging from the forest.

3 Fire Beetles and the death of Dead – Kure Acolyte (Cleric 1)
In his dying breath he hands a letter to the group to deliver to the Cannones in Hommlet.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Chapter 1 / Episode 7 - Day 9

Kure Acolyte (Cleric 1)
Lornan Calihye Level 1 1/2 Elf AC 9
Slash the Bard 1
Xanthus the Elf

Day 9
31 -34 Degrees

The track continues on its southwesterly course under the trees, flanked by rolling hills and occasional steep embankments.

Ambush by the Watchtower bandits
3 Dead bandits
1 Dead Leader

The bandits make off with Ox cart #4

The group finds a map on the leader and a flail that he commanded to flame.

Day 9 Ends

Episode 2 / Session 36 – Assault on the moathouse

Coldeven 3, 576 CY Morning