Thursday, October 26, 2023

Hommlet Darker Session C - The ORB

Black Lung Gordon the Thief 1
Tat Shen the Eastern Monk 1
Jacques Jorie H1

Fireseek 1
The characters return the young boys dead body to the inn of the welcome wrench. As soon as they place it down, it crumbles to dirt, rock and mud. Vindryl identified it as rock from the swamps.

The group retires to the room. 5 EP per night, 2nd floor

Fireseek 2

They decide to take the North East road to the swamps. The cone across the tracks of a shuffling child which walks north into the hills.
They find an entrance to an old mine

They enter the mine
3 Crab Spiders
Zombie – of Dead – Black Lung Gordon the DEAD Thief 1
Insane – Tat Shen the Insane Eastern Monk 1 touches the brown orb and goes insane.
Rashi / Tar Shen and Jaques the Hobbit rush out of the mine screaming to Hommlet
So ends Fireseek 2 576CY

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Chapter 1 / Episode 6 - The Death of Craddock

Fireseek 8

28-38 degrees
Grey Cloudy Overcast
Kron Hills

The caravan takes the southwest fork in the trail. Around mid-morning there is another fork in the trail, with one branch continuing southwest and another going due south. The caravan takes the right fork, heading southwest.

The merchants turn into the undead. Once killed the explode into a mucky, oily water.
Craddock is killed and rises again to die again,

The group is attacked (hit and run style) by the same bandits.

The 8th day ends.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Chapter 1 / Episode 5 - Journey to Hommlet - Day 7

Craddock the Mad (Ranger lvl 1)
Kure Acolyte (Cleric 1)
Lornan Calihye Level 1 1/2 Elf AC 9
Slash the Bard 1
Jed Bonebridge (Cavalier)

Fireseek 7

25-34 degrees
Kron Hills

Craddock finds A simple campsite with a small fire pit and some discarded items. It looks like someone tried to cover it up but not very good
The Campsite appears fresh but finds not tracks.

The caravan stops to rest at a crossroads, with a trail going northwest and another going southwest.

The Southwest trail is chosen. A group of bandits ambush the group. One of the ambushers has some type of “pet” on his shoulder. They attack and quickly flee.

Pushing deep into the night to get as far as possible, the come up to a spot to camp.

The camp is raided by camp rats and most of all the stores are stolen.

Monday, October 9, 2023

Hommlet Darker Session B - Searching for the children

Fireseek 1 Evening

Black Lung Gordon the Thief 1

The group heads to the hill top where the boy usually grazed the herd.

The ranger searches around and finds no trace of anything, covered by fresh snow.

Black lung catches a glimmer of something behind the ranger. It is too late to do anything as a creature slashes at Vindryl.

It is a zombie of the young boy

What is happening in Hommlet?

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Chapter 1 / Episode 4 - Tracking and being tracked

Fireseek 5 – 6

Craddock the Mad (Ranger lvl 1)
Crush The Half-Orc1 AC1 HP6
Kure Acolyte (Cleric 1)
Lornan Calihye Level 1 1/2 Elf AC 9
Slash the Bard 1

Fireseek 5
Tracking and being tracked.
Craddock the Mad (Ranger lvl 1) spends alot of time tracking the bandits north. Group decides not to pursue and to move the caravan forward. No drivers are alive anymore so the players have become Ox-Cart Drivers.

The night is relatively quite.

Fireseek 6

Around mid-morning, the caravan crosses a path going across the trail they are following. The caravan goes straight, but there are signs that the path to the north has been used recently.

Episode 2 / Session 36 – Assault on the moathouse

Coldeven 3, 576 CY Morning