Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Chapter 2 / Episode 27 - A much needed rest, beginning journey to the watchtower and snowed in.

 July 24, 2024

From Fireseek 28 to Readying 7 the group rests up at the Inn of the Welcome Wench

  • Spugior talks about the reason he came to Hommlet is: he heard of a wizard who lives in the moathouse. He planned on going there getting his loot.
  • The cult of the Elemental God was behind the kidnapping of Prince Thrommel IV in 563 CY. 
Readying 7 the group sets out to the Watchtower from Hommlet (buy supplies from the high priced traders post)

Readying 11 - 4 day storm - trapped - Dog catches Pneumonia - 2 more days holed up (total 6 days)

Readying 20 - Wasted days hunting - supplies scarce.

Readying 21 - Ambushed by Goblins - one day from Watchtower

1 comment:

  1. Thrommel was the Hero of Emridy Meadows in the battle against the Horde of Elemental Evil. He pledged to wipe out the Temple of Elemental Evil in 569 CY He was head of the war council and leader of the forces that make up the Righteous Host. Through sheer force of will, Thrommel pulled together a worthy army and marched south to confront the darkness. He believed his Righteous Host could defeat the forces of the Temple, but he tempered his convictions with the dire reality of the situation. He knew his army lacked numbers and experience, and he had a challenging time keeping the egos of his commanders in check. He believed that a few victories —no matter how small— would unite the Righteous Host, strengthening the resolve of his troops in time to meet the greater threat. This has led him to seek unconventional methods for weakening the temple’s forces. It was his assertion a few key strikes where the enemy was most vulnerable would bolster morale.[4]

    The Prince disappeared near the northern border of his realm 573 CY. It is rumored that he as kidnapped


Episode 2 / Session 36 – Assault on the moathouse

Coldeven 3, 576 CY: The Assault on the Moathouse Description: Freezing Temperature: 14.5°F to 34.1°F Wind: Light breeze (SW)(4-7 MPH | 3-6 K...