Monday, September 30, 2024

Episode 2 / Session 34 - Shadows of the Moathouse: After the Norker Assault

Readying 27 – Noon

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting weak light through the gray clouds, TerryOr gazed down the snow-covered road. His heart sank when he spotted Slash the Bard lying in the middle of the path, slumped next to his horse. It was clear the poison from the drider had weakened him so severely that he could no longer stay on horseback. The bard’s pale face was a stark reminder that time was slipping away.

Dog, ever vigilant, caught a subtle movement in the bushes. His hand instinctively went to his weapon as he crept toward the underbrush. The faint rustling gave away the presence of the cultist from earlier—a dark-robed figure hiding and waiting for the right moment to strike again. But Dog wouldn’t give him the chance. In one swift and silent motion, Dog dispatched the evil magic-user before he could even utter a spell.

After recovering the bard, the group searched the fallen cultist. The spoils of their kill were impressive: a healing potion, a magic scroll which Spugnior quickly claimed as payment, a wand of fire taken by Oleg, a dagger of venom also claimed by Oleg, a vial of anti-venom given to TerryOr, and, curiously, a folded piece of parchment.

Dixon and Oleg huddled together, translating the message scrawled in Goblin. It was a receipt—a sinister transaction record. The letter was addressed to someone named Lareth the Beautiful, detailing the delivery of 20 Norkers to join forces at the moathouse. Their ultimate destination? The Temple of Elemental Evil. The implications of this alliance weighed heavily on the party. What evil was being orchestrated at the Temple?

Afternoon and Evening

With Slash stabilized and the group’s wounds tended, they pressed on through the snow, hearts heavy with the knowledge of the dark forces they faced. The day dragged as they traveled west, the wind biting at their faces, and the snow crunching beneath their boots. As dusk fell, they made camp, the fire flickering in the icy wind.

During the third watch, the calm of the night was broken. From the shadows of the surrounding forest, the soft patter of paws on snow reached their ears. Wolves, hungry and seeking an easy meal, circled the camp, their eyes glowing in the darkness.

Despite his weakened state, Slash found just enough strength to reach for his instrument. With trembling hands, he played a soft, haunting melody that cut through the chill of the night. The wolves, entranced by the bard’s song, slowly backed away, disappearing into the woods as if under a spell. The group breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Readying 28 – Morning

The next morning greeted the party with a bone-chilling cold and the relentless falling of snow. The weight of the previous days' battles was wearing on them all, but none more so than Slash. The poison in his veins had worsened overnight, affecting his balance and making every step a struggle.

The day’s journey was arduous. The snow deepened with each passing hour, slowing their progress. By late afternoon, exhausted and nearly frozen, they found a suitable spot to camp before nightfall.

As the others set up camp and kindled a fire for warmth, Dog once again went scouting. His keen eyes quickly caught signs of a struggle nearby. The snow around the area was disturbed, and tracks led in all directions. Following the trail, Dog discovered the remnants of a battle. There, near a concealed campfire, lay the bodies of four dead goblins, lined up neatly as though by some grim order. A small pile of stones rested beside them, perhaps a crude marker.

Dog knelt, studying the tracks. From the size of the boot prints, it looked like Zert and the two freed captives had been here, likely fending off the goblin attackers. Though the tracks were faint and snow-covered, Dog knew they had come too late to help. He attempted to track the goblins’ movements but found no clear direction.

End of Readying 28

The night passed without incident, a quiet but uneasy calm settling over the camp. Though they were just two days from Hommlet, the dangers ahead loomed large, and the weight of Slash’s poisoned condition hung over them like a dark cloud.

So ends the day of Readying 28, 576 CY, with the shadow of the Temple looming larger than ever before.

Loot and XP:

Wand of "Special Fire"

Dagger of Venom

Potion of healing

Scroll of 3 spells

Dispatch to Larenth the Beautiful 

1624 XP

Greyhawk Calendar

Monday, September 23, 2024

Chapter 2 / Episode 33 – The Road to Hommlet and the Rising Evil

Morning of Readying 27, 576 CY

The morning sun peeked over the horizon, casting a soft, pale light on the cold landscape. The party stirred from their slumber, exhausted from the battle with the drider the night before. Slash the Bard remained pale and weak, the venom from the drider’s bite still coursing through his veins. Every breath he took was labored, and the clock was ticking. Hommlet—and a cure—was still days away.

As the group stretched and prepared for the day's travel, a comforting smell filled the air. TerryOr, the cleric of St. Cuthbert, had a surprise waiting for them. Over the crackling campfire, he cooked several pounds of fresh bacon he'd brought all the way from Hommlet. The sound of sizzling grease and the smoky aroma lifted the group's spirits, a small comfort amid their dire circumstances.

Slash, propped up against a tree, groaned as the smell hit his nose. The poison reacted violently to the rich food, nearly causing him to vomit, but Dixon the Dwarf chuckled heartily as he wolfed down the bacon, savoring each bite.

Dog, the ever-watchful ranger, was not as relaxed. Something didn’t feel right. His instincts gnawed at him, and as he stood, eyes scanning the road, he caught sight of movement in the distance. A large group of figures marched westward, straight toward Hommlet.

Without a word, Dog slipped away from the fire, moving silently down the eastern road to scout the threat. As he drew closer, his heart sank. A mob of over a dozen Norkers—vicious goblinoid creatures with tough hides and twisted faces—marched toward them. At their head was a humanoid figure draped in dark robes, bearing the unmistakable sigil of the Earth Elemental Chaos.

Dog hurried back to the group, the urgency clear in his eyes. “Norkers,” he muttered. “And one of them... a leader. Earth Elemental Chaos.”

Dixon's face went grim. He knew all too well how dangerous these creatures were.

The group quickly sprang into action. TerryOr, ever resourceful, crafted a bacon grease bomb from the remains of breakfast, its slick mess ready to turn the battlefield to their advantage. Dixon helped Slash onto the back of the horse, but the bard was still too weak, his stomach churning violently at the mix of poison and bacon.

Spugious the Conjurer and the Oleg Leafspring, half-elf magic-user/thief found cover at a safe distance, preparing their spells for the inevitable clash. Meanwhile, Dog took up a hidden position, his eyes locked on the humanoid leader who seemed to radiate dark power.

The Norkers came into view, their snarling faces twisted in rage as they marched. The air was thick with tension as the party prepared for the fight.

Then, it began.

Dixon charged, war axe raised, while Irving the Reluctant followed, bolstered by a rare burst of courage. Spugious cast Sleep, and several Norkers fell to the ground, slumbering beneath the weight of his magic. TerryOr hurled his bacon grease bomb, and a couple of Norkers slipped and fell, cursing as they struggled to rise from the slick ground.

Dog, ever the tactician, lay in wait. As the leader of the Norkers—the evil wizard bearing the Earth Elemental Chaos symbol—passed his hiding spot, Dog struck with precision. The two clashed fiercely, but the wizard, skilled in dark arts, narrowly evaded Dog's strikes and vanished into the woods, his escape leaving an ominous mark on the battle.

One by one, the Norkers were dispatched, their blood staining the snow-covered ground. But it had been a costly fight. Several of the party members lay wounded, their bodies battered by the ferocity of the Norkers' attacks. TerryOr moved swiftly, casting Cure Light Wounds to bring them back to consciousness, while Dog administered first aid, stopping the worst of the bleeding.

As the battlefield fell silent, Dixon and Dog noticed one Norker still alive, trembling in fear. Grabbing the creature by the throat, Dixon began questioning it in Goblin, his voice low and menacing.

“Where were you headed?” Dixon demanded.

The Norker sneered at first, but after a swift threat, it spat out the truth. “The Temple… the Temple of Elemental Evil is calling. The forces gather. You cannot stop it.”

Dixon’s heart sank. The rumors were true—the dark powers within the Temple were stirring once more.

With the battle over, the group divided the spoils. Each received 30 gold pieces from the fallen Norkers. Always resourceful, Dog took the time to skin one of the creatures, planning to fashion armor from the tough hide later.

XP: 157 each
Gold: 30 each

The shadow of the Temple is looming larger than ever before.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Chapter 2 / Episode 32 - Losing the Rod and Meeting TerryOr the Acolyte

Chapter 2 / Episode 32 – Losing the Rod and Meeting TerryOr the Acolyte

Readying 26, 576 CY
At dawn, the party awakens, ready to continue their five-day journey back to Hommlet. The temperature is a mild 44 degrees, with partly cloudy skies—a warmer, more pleasant day than they've seen in recent weeks.

As they gather their supplies and prepare to set out, the sound of a horse galloping towards them breaks the morning calm. A travel-worn rider emerges, his horse foaming at the bit, clearly pushed hard through the night. The man is draped in a torn tabard of St. Cuthbert and looks familiar. It is TerryOr, an acolyte from the Church of St. Cuthbert in Hommlet.

TerryOr greets the party with a weary smile, explaining that Canon Terjon sent him to provide aid. Recognizing him as a trusted ally, the party welcomes him without hesitation. He is asked if he crossed paths with Zert, to which he replies that he had, just two days prior. Zert was alive and well, still escorting the freed prisoners.

With a few murmured prayers to St. Cuthbert, TerryOr casts Cure Light Wounds on the party, focusing on healing Dog, whose wounds from the yeti still linger.

The party resumes their westward trek towards Hommlet, with Slash the Bard leading the way. As dusk falls, the fading light reveals a figure standing in the road ahead. The figure is a dark, elvish woman, her body adorned in a shimmering spider-silk bikini that gleams ominously in the twilight. She addresses the bard directly, her voice smooth and unsettling:

"Hello, Bard. You have something I want."

Before anyone can react, the woman casts a Suggestion spell. Slash’s will falters, and he obediently reaches into his pack, retrieving a piece of the Rod of Six Parts. Without hesitation, he hands it over to the mysterious woman. In an instant, she envelops the area in magical darkness, plunging the party into chaos.

From the shadows, four enormous spiders emerge, their legs clicking and fangs dripping venom. A fierce battle ensues. The elven magic-user/thief falls early, overcome by the spiders’ swift strikes. Amid the turmoil, the woman transforms into a terrifying drider, half-elven, half-spider, and strikes at Slash. Her venomous bite injects a deadly poison, paralyzing the bard.

Despite their best efforts, the party struggles. Dixon the Dwarf swings wildly but cannot seem to land a single blow. When the dust finally settles, the drider vanishes with a portion of the Rod, leaving the party victorious but battered. Slash remains poisoned and immobile, teetering on the brink of death with no apparent cure for the dark venom coursing through his veins.

Desperate, the group knows their only hope lies in getting Slash back to Hommlet and seeking Canon Terjon’s aid. The journey ahead is fraught with peril, and the clock is ticking for their fallen companion.

So ends Readying 26, 576 CY.

XP: 100 each

Episode 2 / Session 36 – Assault on the moathouse

Coldeven 3, 576 CY Morning