Monday, September 30, 2024

Episode 2 / Session 34 - Shadows of the Moathouse: After the Norker Assault

Readying 27 – Noon

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting weak light through the gray clouds, TerryOr gazed down the snow-covered road. His heart sank when he spotted Slash the Bard lying in the middle of the path, slumped next to his horse. It was clear the poison from the drider had weakened him so severely that he could no longer stay on horseback. The bard’s pale face was a stark reminder that time was slipping away.

Dog, ever vigilant, caught a subtle movement in the bushes. His hand instinctively went to his weapon as he crept toward the underbrush. The faint rustling gave away the presence of the cultist from earlier—a dark-robed figure hiding and waiting for the right moment to strike again. But Dog wouldn’t give him the chance. In one swift and silent motion, Dog dispatched the evil magic-user before he could even utter a spell.

After recovering the bard, the group searched the fallen cultist. The spoils of their kill were impressive: a healing potion, a magic scroll which Spugnior quickly claimed as payment, a wand of fire taken by Oleg, a dagger of venom also claimed by Oleg, a vial of anti-venom given to TerryOr, and, curiously, a folded piece of parchment.

Dixon and Oleg huddled together, translating the message scrawled in Goblin. It was a receipt—a sinister transaction record. The letter was addressed to someone named Lareth the Beautiful, detailing the delivery of 20 Norkers to join forces at the moathouse. Their ultimate destination? The Temple of Elemental Evil. The implications of this alliance weighed heavily on the party. What evil was being orchestrated at the Temple?

Afternoon and Evening

With Slash stabilized and the group’s wounds tended, they pressed on through the snow, hearts heavy with the knowledge of the dark forces they faced. The day dragged as they traveled west, the wind biting at their faces, and the snow crunching beneath their boots. As dusk fell, they made camp, the fire flickering in the icy wind.

During the third watch, the calm of the night was broken. From the shadows of the surrounding forest, the soft patter of paws on snow reached their ears. Wolves, hungry and seeking an easy meal, circled the camp, their eyes glowing in the darkness.

Despite his weakened state, Slash found just enough strength to reach for his instrument. With trembling hands, he played a soft, haunting melody that cut through the chill of the night. The wolves, entranced by the bard’s song, slowly backed away, disappearing into the woods as if under a spell. The group breathed a collective sigh of relief.

Readying 28 – Morning

The next morning greeted the party with a bone-chilling cold and the relentless falling of snow. The weight of the previous days' battles was wearing on them all, but none more so than Slash. The poison in his veins had worsened overnight, affecting his balance and making every step a struggle.

The day’s journey was arduous. The snow deepened with each passing hour, slowing their progress. By late afternoon, exhausted and nearly frozen, they found a suitable spot to camp before nightfall.

As the others set up camp and kindled a fire for warmth, Dog once again went scouting. His keen eyes quickly caught signs of a struggle nearby. The snow around the area was disturbed, and tracks led in all directions. Following the trail, Dog discovered the remnants of a battle. There, near a concealed campfire, lay the bodies of four dead goblins, lined up neatly as though by some grim order. A small pile of stones rested beside them, perhaps a crude marker.

Dog knelt, studying the tracks. From the size of the boot prints, it looked like Zert and the two freed captives had been here, likely fending off the goblin attackers. Though the tracks were faint and snow-covered, Dog knew they had come too late to help. He attempted to track the goblins’ movements but found no clear direction.

End of Readying 28

The night passed without incident, a quiet but uneasy calm settling over the camp. Though they were just two days from Hommlet, the dangers ahead loomed large, and the weight of Slash’s poisoned condition hung over them like a dark cloud.

So ends the day of Readying 28, 576 CY, with the shadow of the Temple looming larger than ever before.

Loot and XP:

Wand of "Special Fire"

Dagger of Venom

Potion of healing

Scroll of 3 spells

Dispatch to Larenth the Beautiful 

1624 XP

Greyhawk Calendar

1 comment:

Episode 2 / Session 36 – Assault on the moathouse

Coldeven 3, 576 CY Morning