Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Chapter 1 / Episode 17 - Gathering Info

This is what we know so far:The Abbey Bandits worship the water elementals.
The Watchtower bandits worship the fire Elementals.
There is a group who worships the earth elementals but do not know the hideout. We know this because of the zombies who turned into earth and the earth elemental symbols. (Druid has those symbols).
There is a cave entrance at the quarry that has a earth elemental symbol at the entrance.
The elders’ daughter returned after 10 days of being in the woods. Her name is scarlet.
A werewolf killed turned into Scarlet.
Livestock are being mutilated randomly.
Herdsmens’ boy was killed and turned into an earth elemental zombie.
There is a farm in the south that the farmers all died of a mysterious disease. There is a fear of it spreading.
When the temple rose before – crops, disease, missing children and livestock death occured.
Elmo confirmed there is another bandit faction near Hommlet, hideout unknown. Possible earth elemental connection?
The Temple Worshipers make it cold

Possible missions:Stop the Abbey Bandits
Stop the Watchtower Bandits
Investigate if the TOEE is active again
Investigate the Quarry
Find the Hommlet bandits hideout
Hunt the pack of wolves.

AI Generated Game Summary
Quick recap
The meeting covered a range of topics including smartphone usage, reminiscing about past activities, role-playing game mechanics, the upcoming time change, a project involving intel and information gathering, selling books, and a game involving character roles and experience points. The conversation also touched on frustration with an unspecified situation, a project involving intel and information gathering, a game involving character roles and experience points, selling books, challenges associated with completing daily intel reports, a project involving intel and information gathering, a game about a mysterious disease, and creating five different missions.

Smartphone Usage and Reminiscing

The meeting was primarily a casual conversation about various topics, including smartphone usage and the preference for older models, the cost of phones, and the durability of different brands. The discussion also included reminiscing about past activities, such as playing games. No specific decisions, action items, or open questions were identified during this meeting.

Role-Playing Game Mechanics Discussed

Dixon and xanthus discussed role-playing game mechanics, focusing on the use of magic and weapons. They proposed a system where scrolls, spell components, and staffs provide a bonus to attack rolls, with a maximum bonus of plus three plus an intelligence bonus. They also touched on the potential for spells to fail when rolled, which provides balance and avoids automatic kills. The conversation also covered the abilities of the druids and their personal character builds and strategies. They shared their experiences and thoughts on role-playing games, with a focus on the aspects of magic and spell-casting.

Time Change, Screenplay, and Mysterious Game

Dixon and xanthus discussed the upcoming time change to Pacific time, with a focus on Arizona’s non-observance of this change. Angelo shared that he completed his screenplay and was awaiting feedback. There was also a conversation involving Angelo, Slash, and a cat named Slash. The group recalled a game they played, where they experienced connectivity issues and the presence of a mysterious character providing intelligence towards the end. Initially, Angelo denied remembering this situation, but later admitted his presence and contribution.

Gaming, Intel, and Blizzard Strategy

Angelo, Slash, Dixon, and xanthus had a wide-ranging discussion. They expressed frustration with an unspecified situation and discussed a project involving intel and information gathering. They also played a game, possibly Dungeons and Dragons, debating character roles and the allocation of experience points. The conversation shifted to selling books and the challenges associated with completing daily intel reports. They discussed their progress and plans in the game, with Angelo proposing to open a Zoom chat for better communication. They also discussed their strategy for navigating a blizzard and snowed-in location, and their ineffectiveness in the game. They considered their influence in the town and the need for evidence against potential adversaries. The group was aware of bandit activities in the area, specifically in the Abbey and the watchtower, and were unsure about the whereabouts of the water elemental group.

Game Rumors and Debt Letter

Angelo proposed compiling rumors about a game into a shared chat, and the team agreed to contribute their knowledge. The discussion revolved around the game’s characters and plot points, with concerns raised by Dixon about the team getting stuck. The team recalled conversations with characters such as Mervyn and a bard, and discussed the growing power of a temple and a threat posed by the burning eye of fire. They also identified a group that worships earth elementals and mentioned a cave with an earth elemental symbol. Towards the end, Angelo confirmed sending a letter to the dwarves about an outstanding debt.

Town Concerns and Game Mechanics

The group discussed several topics. They started with the return of Scarlett, who had been missing for 10 days, and the concern about livestock mutilations. They also touched on an incident involving a person turning into an elemental zombie. Furthermore, they discussed a potential connection in town with a thieves’ guild. The conversation then shifted to game mechanics, particularly the house rule in a BX game for casting spells. Dixon and Angelo also discussed the role of a magic user in the game, including limitations and different versions of the game.

Temple, Disease, and Missing Children Discussion

Angelo and Dixon discussed a mysterious disease spreading at a South farm and its connection to a re-emerging disease-spreading temple. They also touched upon rumors of missing children and the temple’s potential involvement. The discussion concluded with Angelo proposing to gather more information at their next game and decide on a course of action. In the game context, they discussed creating five different missions, investigating the temple of Elemental Evil, werewolves, and the potential for communication with the church of Saint Cuthbert. They also assigned roles and adjusted character stats, agreeing to continue these discussions in the next meeting.

Next stepsConsider sending a message to the protector of the area.
Investigate the Temple of Elemental Evil.
Investigate the homlet bandits.
Get a message to the church of Saint Cuthbert about the disease.
Confirm the existence of another homlet bandit hideout.
Investigate the civil earth elemental connection.
Escalate the investigation of the werewolf.
Investigate the tele temple.
Hunt down the werewolf.
Send a message to the duke.

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