Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Chapter 1 / Episode 18 - Waiting out the storm and a council with Burne

Fireseek 20 -22
The group decides on a plan to investigate the Earth Elemental bandits/faction.
The group headed to the Quarry after buying supplies.
Elmo heads out to scout the watchtower bandits
The group encounters resistance at the quarry entrance

AI Generated Summary
Not accurate but worth the read, enjoy.

Meeting summary for Hommlet Dark (03/07/2024)
Quick recap
The team discussed technical issues with the game’s audio, the addition of new players, and the module they were going to play. They also discussed the game’s mechanics, including the use of a staff called the Staff of the Druid and the disappearance of enemies. The team decided to rest and heal wounds, and considered sending a message via an innkeeper. They also proposed various potential missions, including investigating the temple of Elemental, the hideout of the Hommlet bandits, and hunting a pack of wolves. They prioritized a mission where Elmo, a ranger, would scout the bandits at the Abbey and the watchtower. They also discussed their upcoming expedition, focusing on the necessity of extra lanterns and oil for lighting.
Role-Playing Game Session and Upcoming Event
Angelo C and Dixon discussed a role-playing game session, with new players joining and Dixon considering creating a new spellcaster character. They also talked about a NASA-sponsored role-playing game and the contribution of Gary Gygax to the genre. Towards the end, they mentioned an upcoming event, possibly a convention, with Pat as the second guest of honor. Angelo C and Dixon also discussed a movie featuring historical inaccuracies, with Angelo C defending it despite Dixon’s displeasure. The attendees also touched on a small venue event for around 100 people, with potential for expensive tickets, which Angelo C expressed concern over. There was also an issue with Angelo C’s audio connection during the meeting.
Role-Playing Game Mechanics and Technical Issues
The meeting was a discussion about a role-playing game. The team talked about technical issues with the game’s audio, adding two new players, and the module they were going to play. Angelo C shared that he had used an AI to summarize their previous meeting. They also discussed adding new characters and decided to postpone their next meeting due to team members being unavailable. The team also discussed the game’s mechanics, including the use of a staff called the Staff of the Druid and the disappearance of enemies. Towards the end, they discussed their characters’ status and next steps, deciding to rest and heal wounds. They also considered sending a message via an innkeeper, which would cost 50 gold and take 7 to 10 days to deliver.
Team Plans Next Steps for Town Protection
Angelo Chiriaco led a discussion focusing on the current situation and potential next steps based on their adventure log from episode 17. The team discussed various potential missions, including investigating the temple of Elemental, the hideout of the Hommlet bandits, and hunting a pack of wolves. Angelo Chiriaco suggested seeking protection for their town by offering their services to a local force known as the Burns Badgers. The team decided to present their intel to Bern and Rufus, who are part of the town council, to discuss potential threats and solutions. They also decided to organize a secret meeting in a locked room to present their findings about an assassination attempt and the presence of bandits in the area. The team also considered setting a trap for the Werewolf Girl and investigating a potential connection to the Temple Development.
Gaming Experience and Mission Planning
The team discussed their gaming experiences and a past game, “Temple of Elemental Evil.” They then shifted their focus to a current mission, where Angelo C proposed that Elmo, a ranger, scout the bandits at the Abbey and the watchtower. The team agreed on this plan, prioritizing it over other tasks. The team also discussed clues related to a group that worships the earth elemental and considered the possibility of them being near Hommlet. The team proposed acquiring better travel gear, such as snow shoes and heavy-duty clothing, and planned to visit a trader’s establishment to purchase winter gear. However, no decisions were made regarding the needed rations, lanterns, and oil. Angelo C, Slash, Dixon, and Dean confirmed they had the necessary gold or platinum for the purchases.
Expedition Lanterns and Shovels Decided
The team discussed their upcoming expedition, focusing on the necessity of extra lanterns and oil for lighting. They decided to acquire two extra lanterns and about 15 oils. A magic user, referred to as the seer, needed a lantern. The team also decided to acquire three shovels. They purchased a pony for 25 gold to carry their supplies, resulting in three lanterns, three shovels, and a short break was taken during the meeting. Upon resumption, Dean introduced his pet, Lego, and there was a discussion about its size.
Cave Expedition: Weather and Rumors
The team discussed their upcoming journey to a cave where they previously encountered a symbol and an Earth Elemental. They planned to depart the next morning, equipped with necessary gear and protection spells. Dixon dedicated the rest of the day to gathering rumors about the area. Concerns were raised about the journey duration due to heavy snow, but the team was confident in their preparation. The team was composed of Crush, Dixon, Dan,, Dogs, Dean, and Slash, each with their respective weapons. They planned to leave early and stop at Osler for a quick breakfast before setting out. The journey was expected to be challenging due to harsh weather conditions.
Journey Through Snowy Area and Quarry Exploration
Angelo Chiriaco led a discussion about a journey through a snowy area. The team encountered a fight with a Lizard man and decided to take the northernmost road, which turned out to be more difficult to traverse. They eventually reached a hilltop and discussed climbing up to get a better view. They noticed that the quarry they were heading towards was snow-free, which was unusual given the surrounding conditions. The team decided to investigate the quarry and search for any tracks that might indicate recent activity. Angelo Chiriaco also led a discussion about exploring a cave, describing the entrance as being 10 to 15 feet wide, which narrows to about 10 feet as you go further in. The ground becomes harder beyond the 30-foot mark, resembling a hard tile floor. The team reached complete darkness around the 35 to 40-foot mark.
Role-Playing Game Challenges and Strategies
In the role-playing game led by Angelo Chiriaco, the participants adopted various characters and encountered challenges such as a creature approach and a combat situation. The group deliberated on strategies and actions, including decisions to retreat or confront opponents. They also discussed the use of magical berries for speed and planned a strategy to confront an enemy. Towards the end, they agreed on a next mission involving setting up an ambush and retrieving a phone. The next game was scheduled for two weeks later.
Next steps
• Set up a meeting with the town council to discuss the recent events and intel.
• Purchase snow shoes and other winter gear from the trader.
• Dixon will ask around about the bores ticket people and their allegiances during the war.

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Episode 2 / Session 36 – Assault on the moathouse

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