Thursday, August 29, 2024

Chapter 2 / Episode 31 – The Return Journey Begins

Chapter 2 / Episode 31 – The Journey Begins

Readying 23, 576 CY

The cold, stone walls of the tower were quiet as Zert and the freed captives took their leave, their footsteps fading into the snowy distance. The group, still weary from their previous battles, chose to remain within the tower's relative safety. The decision was a practical one—they needed time to rest, tend to their wounds, and regain their strength for the long journey ahead.

Readying 25, 576 CY

After two days of recovery, the party—Dog the Ranger, Slash the Bard, Dixon the Dwarf, and a medium warhorse laden with supplies and treasure—set out from the tower and began their seven-day march back to Hommlet. The morning was crisp, the air biting as a light wind swept over the fresh blanket of snow covering the road. Each step crunched beneath their boots as they pressed westward, the silence of the wilderness only occasionally broken by the distant cry of a bird or the soft jingle of the horse’s harness.

Dog, ever vigilant, took his place scouting ahead of the group, his sharp eyes scanning the road and the snow-draped woods on either side. His instincts had served them well in the past, but on this day, even Dog was caught off guard.

Before noon, as he moved quietly through the underbrush, something stirred in the shadows ahead. A hulking figure, nearly invisible against the snow, emerged from the trees. It was a yeti, towering and menacing, its long white fur blending seamlessly with its icy surroundings. The beast's pale blue eyes, almost colorless, fixed on Dog with a feral intensity, and its ivory-white claws glistened in the winter light.

Without warning, the yeti charged.

Dog barely had time to react as the creature bore down on him. He shouted a warning to the others just as the yeti’s massive claws raked across his armor, sending him stumbling back, blood seeping from the deep gashes. The battle was on.

Dixon and Slash rushed to Dog’s aid, weapons drawn. Dixon, his heart pounding with the weight of the looming fight, swung his axe with all his might, but the yeti’s thick fur and dense muscle made it a tough adversary. Slash, his hands trembling slightly, raised the Rod of Six Parts and invoked its healing magic, but he knew the real challenge would be keeping the beast at bay.

The yeti fought with a primal fury, its roars echoing through the trees. Its claws slashed through the air with deadly precision, and for a moment, it seemed the group might be overwhelmed. But through sheer determination and teamwork, they managed to turn the tide. Blow after blow, they wore the creature down, and finally, with a mighty swing of Dixon’s axe, the yeti fell, crashing into the snow in a lifeless heap.

Dog, badly wounded from the fight, leaned heavily on his bow, his breaths shallow and strained. Slash, still clutching the Rod, moved to his side and channeled the artifact's healing power. The familiar warmth of its magic flowed through Dog’s body, mending his wounds and easing the pain.

The group took a moment to catch their breath, the snow now stained red from the fierce battle. After gathering their wits, they pressed on, knowing that danger lurked on the road to Hommlet.

Several hours later, as dusk approached, they stumbled upon a campsite nestled near the edge of a forest. The remnants of a fire and discarded refuse told them it had been used recently. Dog, ever the keen tracker, inspected the area and confirmed that Zert and his group had camped here two nights before. The tracks were still visible, and the signs of their passing were unmistakable.

Satisfied that the area was safe, the group set up camp for the night. As the fire crackled and the warmth spread through their small camp, they allowed themselves a brief moment of calm. The night passed without incident, and though the dangers of the wilderness still loomed, the party found solace in the quiet of the snow-covered landscape.

So ended Readying 25, 576 CY, with the road to Hommlet stretching ever onward.

XP: 185 each

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Episode 2 / Session 36 – Assault on the moathouse

Coldeven 3, 576 CY Morning