Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Chapter 2 / Episode 30 - Readying 23 - Morning

 Readying 23 - Morning

Zert leaves with the rescued captives. He will take them to Hommlet.

Group secures the watchtower and plans for the next step.

Meeting summary for Hommlet Dark (08/22/2024)
Quick recap
The team discussed various issues related to their online gaming session, including potential platform changes, the value of collectibles, and the importance of weapon proficiency. They also deliberated on a range of topics including a current situation involving a spell book and hostages, the discovery of valuable items in a secret cellar area, and strategies for tracking a base in the snowy region. Lastly, they planned for an upcoming mission, discussing the equipment and supplies needed, the potential dangers of their journey, and the status of their team members.
Next steps
• All players to return to Hommlet with evidence of cultist activities.
• Dixon to bury his share of treasure in the tower.
• Slash and Dog to load their shares of treasure onto the horse.
• All players to pack 2 weeks of rations, weapons, and survival gear for the journey.
• Dog to perform perimeter checks during travel.
• Angelo to determine weather conditions for the journey back.
• All players to prepare to send messages to Lord in Verbobonc upon reaching Hamlet.
• Angelo to reach out to the player playing the cleric about their return.
• Dixon to contact potential new player about joining the game.
• Angelo to update on Eric Coe's return in another week.
• All players to plan next steps for investigating the Abbey and the Temple of Elemental Evil.
• Angelo to prepare for potential return of more players in upcoming sessions.
Online Gaming, Costs, and Discounts
Angelo, Dixon, and Dog discussed various issues related to their online gaming session, including potential platform changes and the challenges of sharing character sheets. They also talked about the high costs associated with certain goods and services, such as magic cards, and shared personal experiences related to these costs. Lastly, they discussed their experiences with a local establishment that offered discounts to customers who paid in advance or during off-peak hours.
Collectibles, Comics, and Cleared Tower
Dixon and Angelo discussed the value of various collectibles, including comic books, baseball cards, and a large collection of Marvel comics inherited from a friend. They also talked about the potential value of old books and modules, with Dixon mentioning that the only modules he had that were worth anything were his judges' guild ones. The conversation then shifted to a tower they had cleared, and they discussed a book called the World Book of Cause, which was worth a lot of money. They also touched on a list of items they had found, including potions, cloth, and a Witch's book, which they decided to take back to town for further examination.
Weapon Proficiency and Character Progression
Angelo, Dixon, Dog, and Slash focused on the importance of weapon proficiency in their role-playing game. Angelo clarified the difference between proficiency and mastery, emphasizing that proficiency is mandatory. The team also discussed the use of magical items, with Dixon confirming the possession of potions of visibility and extra healing. They further delved into character weapon proficiencies, combat strategies, and the acquisition of new weapons. Dixon's character progressed, gaining new spells and abilities, and the group explored the potential for finding additional weapons in the game's world.
Angelo and Dixon's Hostage Situation and Agreement Termination
Angelo and Dixon discussed a range of topics including their past experience with disassembling a barn and selling the wood, and a current situation involving a spell book and hostages. They decided to use detect magic and detect alignment on the hostages, confirming that there were no evil forces present. They also found a piece believed to be the second piece of a rod, which would not snap back into the other piece. A deal was made for Angelo to escort three hostages back to their nearest town in exchange for 300 gold pieces, with Angelo bearing the cost of the escort and taking the hostages' two donkeys and as much food as they could carry. The group also decided to terminate their previous agreement with Angelo.
Secret Cellar Discovery and Spoils
Angelo led a discussion about a secret cellar area within a tower, including the discovery of valuable items in three chests on the third floor where Smoother conducts research. The team decided to divide the loot, with each member receiving 475 gold pieces. They debated how to handle a situation where a third party demanded a larger share than initially agreed upon, considering both confrontational and peaceful options. The team discussed sharing the spoils with the absent Zurch upon his return. Angelo excitedly shared his new Ventriloquism spell with the group, who discussed its potential uses alongside other spells. The team expressed disappointment over not finding scrolls during the expedition.
Snowy Region Base Tracking and Security
Dog and Angelo discussed tracking a base in the snowy region, with Dog extending the tracking area by 80 feet into the tree line. Angelo suggested Dog take the first watch on a tower, and a rotation was set for subsequent watches involving Slash, Dixon, and Mark Craft. No incidents occurred during the night. Zert departed with prisoners, donkeys, and supplies, expecting a share of any treasures found. The group then discussed securing the premises against intruders by blocking access points and potentially hiring guards from a nearby loyal village. They planned to bury the chest's contents and retrieve them later. Dixon suggested getting dogs as added security. The group intended to return to town on the 23rd at 3:00 PM to resupply and receive their next mission, possibly involving the tower of the two rod parts. Angelo mentioned a scenario where the team would wake up the next morning after an unspecified event, with hit points to recover.
Aurora's Cultist Journal and Abbey Journey
Angelo presented Aurora's cultist journal, referencing elemental cults and their rivalry. The team decided to return to the Abbey with information to locate the next fire elemental rod part sent to the Temple of Elemental Evil. They planned their journey, packing supplies on a horse, constructing sleds, and utilizing secondary skills for potential snow issues. Slash and Dog volunteered to carry extra blankets and tarp.
Treasure Loading for Medium War Horse
Angelo, Slash, and Dixon discussed how much treasure they could carry on a medium war horse. They decided to take 1,500 gold pieces, 20 platinum pieces, and leave 1,000 silver pieces buried. This totals 3,500 gold pieces of weight capacity, which the horse can carry along with their rations. Dixon plans to leave his share of the treasure buried as well.
Equipment and Supplies for Upcoming Mission
The team discussed the equipment and supplies needed for an upcoming mission. They decided to bring along various items including torches, oil, bolts, crossbows, spears, water skins, rope, and blankets. Angelo estimated the weight of the equipment to be around 2,600 pounds, which they agreed would not overload their horse. Additionally, they planned to take extra food and two potions - one for invisibility and one for extra healing. The team also discussed the possibility of hiding some of the equipment, such as the bolts for the crossbows, to avoid detection.
Team's Destination and Ship Adjustments
The team, consisting of Angelo, Dixon, Slash, and Dog, deliberated on their next destination, debating between Abbey and a church, and the potential dangers of their journey. They also discussed the possibility of burying their ship with dwarves or going empty-handed to replace the weight with more weapons. The team considered disrupting a cult and using a rod to seal the temple, with the decision to present their gathered evidence to the Lord. They planned to continue their journey the following week, focusing on favorable weather conditions, and discussed the status of their team members, including the need for more players.

1 comment:

Episode 2 / Session 36 – Assault on the moathouse

Coldeven 3, 576 CY Morning