Thursday, August 29, 2024

Chapter 2 / Episode 31 – The Return Journey Begins

Chapter 2 / Episode 31 – The Journey Begins

Readying 23, 576 CY

The cold, stone walls of the tower were quiet as Zert and the freed captives took their leave, their footsteps fading into the snowy distance. The group, still weary from their previous battles, chose to remain within the tower's relative safety. The decision was a practical one—they needed time to rest, tend to their wounds, and regain their strength for the long journey ahead.

Readying 25, 576 CY

After two days of recovery, the party—Dog the Ranger, Slash the Bard, Dixon the Dwarf, and a medium warhorse laden with supplies and treasure—set out from the tower and began their seven-day march back to Hommlet. The morning was crisp, the air biting as a light wind swept over the fresh blanket of snow covering the road. Each step crunched beneath their boots as they pressed westward, the silence of the wilderness only occasionally broken by the distant cry of a bird or the soft jingle of the horse’s harness.

Dog, ever vigilant, took his place scouting ahead of the group, his sharp eyes scanning the road and the snow-draped woods on either side. His instincts had served them well in the past, but on this day, even Dog was caught off guard.

Before noon, as he moved quietly through the underbrush, something stirred in the shadows ahead. A hulking figure, nearly invisible against the snow, emerged from the trees. It was a yeti, towering and menacing, its long white fur blending seamlessly with its icy surroundings. The beast's pale blue eyes, almost colorless, fixed on Dog with a feral intensity, and its ivory-white claws glistened in the winter light.

Without warning, the yeti charged.

Dog barely had time to react as the creature bore down on him. He shouted a warning to the others just as the yeti’s massive claws raked across his armor, sending him stumbling back, blood seeping from the deep gashes. The battle was on.

Dixon and Slash rushed to Dog’s aid, weapons drawn. Dixon, his heart pounding with the weight of the looming fight, swung his axe with all his might, but the yeti’s thick fur and dense muscle made it a tough adversary. Slash, his hands trembling slightly, raised the Rod of Six Parts and invoked its healing magic, but he knew the real challenge would be keeping the beast at bay.

The yeti fought with a primal fury, its roars echoing through the trees. Its claws slashed through the air with deadly precision, and for a moment, it seemed the group might be overwhelmed. But through sheer determination and teamwork, they managed to turn the tide. Blow after blow, they wore the creature down, and finally, with a mighty swing of Dixon’s axe, the yeti fell, crashing into the snow in a lifeless heap.

Dog, badly wounded from the fight, leaned heavily on his bow, his breaths shallow and strained. Slash, still clutching the Rod, moved to his side and channeled the artifact's healing power. The familiar warmth of its magic flowed through Dog’s body, mending his wounds and easing the pain.

The group took a moment to catch their breath, the snow now stained red from the fierce battle. After gathering their wits, they pressed on, knowing that danger lurked on the road to Hommlet.

Several hours later, as dusk approached, they stumbled upon a campsite nestled near the edge of a forest. The remnants of a fire and discarded refuse told them it had been used recently. Dog, ever the keen tracker, inspected the area and confirmed that Zert and his group had camped here two nights before. The tracks were still visible, and the signs of their passing were unmistakable.

Satisfied that the area was safe, the group set up camp for the night. As the fire crackled and the warmth spread through their small camp, they allowed themselves a brief moment of calm. The night passed without incident, and though the dangers of the wilderness still loomed, the party found solace in the quiet of the snow-covered landscape.

So ended Readying 25, 576 CY, with the road to Hommlet stretching ever onward.

XP: 185 each

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Chapter 2 / Episode 30 - Readying 23 - Morning

 Readying 23 - Morning

Zert leaves with the rescued captives. He will take them to Hommlet.

Group secures the watchtower and plans for the next step.

Meeting summary for Hommlet Dark (08/22/2024)
Quick recap
The team discussed various issues related to their online gaming session, including potential platform changes, the value of collectibles, and the importance of weapon proficiency. They also deliberated on a range of topics including a current situation involving a spell book and hostages, the discovery of valuable items in a secret cellar area, and strategies for tracking a base in the snowy region. Lastly, they planned for an upcoming mission, discussing the equipment and supplies needed, the potential dangers of their journey, and the status of their team members.
Next steps
• All players to return to Hommlet with evidence of cultist activities.
• Dixon to bury his share of treasure in the tower.
• Slash and Dog to load their shares of treasure onto the horse.
• All players to pack 2 weeks of rations, weapons, and survival gear for the journey.
• Dog to perform perimeter checks during travel.
• Angelo to determine weather conditions for the journey back.
• All players to prepare to send messages to Lord in Verbobonc upon reaching Hamlet.
• Angelo to reach out to the player playing the cleric about their return.
• Dixon to contact potential new player about joining the game.
• Angelo to update on Eric Coe's return in another week.
• All players to plan next steps for investigating the Abbey and the Temple of Elemental Evil.
• Angelo to prepare for potential return of more players in upcoming sessions.
Online Gaming, Costs, and Discounts
Angelo, Dixon, and Dog discussed various issues related to their online gaming session, including potential platform changes and the challenges of sharing character sheets. They also talked about the high costs associated with certain goods and services, such as magic cards, and shared personal experiences related to these costs. Lastly, they discussed their experiences with a local establishment that offered discounts to customers who paid in advance or during off-peak hours.
Collectibles, Comics, and Cleared Tower
Dixon and Angelo discussed the value of various collectibles, including comic books, baseball cards, and a large collection of Marvel comics inherited from a friend. They also talked about the potential value of old books and modules, with Dixon mentioning that the only modules he had that were worth anything were his judges' guild ones. The conversation then shifted to a tower they had cleared, and they discussed a book called the World Book of Cause, which was worth a lot of money. They also touched on a list of items they had found, including potions, cloth, and a Witch's book, which they decided to take back to town for further examination.
Weapon Proficiency and Character Progression
Angelo, Dixon, Dog, and Slash focused on the importance of weapon proficiency in their role-playing game. Angelo clarified the difference between proficiency and mastery, emphasizing that proficiency is mandatory. The team also discussed the use of magical items, with Dixon confirming the possession of potions of visibility and extra healing. They further delved into character weapon proficiencies, combat strategies, and the acquisition of new weapons. Dixon's character progressed, gaining new spells and abilities, and the group explored the potential for finding additional weapons in the game's world.
Angelo and Dixon's Hostage Situation and Agreement Termination
Angelo and Dixon discussed a range of topics including their past experience with disassembling a barn and selling the wood, and a current situation involving a spell book and hostages. They decided to use detect magic and detect alignment on the hostages, confirming that there were no evil forces present. They also found a piece believed to be the second piece of a rod, which would not snap back into the other piece. A deal was made for Angelo to escort three hostages back to their nearest town in exchange for 300 gold pieces, with Angelo bearing the cost of the escort and taking the hostages' two donkeys and as much food as they could carry. The group also decided to terminate their previous agreement with Angelo.
Secret Cellar Discovery and Spoils
Angelo led a discussion about a secret cellar area within a tower, including the discovery of valuable items in three chests on the third floor where Smoother conducts research. The team decided to divide the loot, with each member receiving 475 gold pieces. They debated how to handle a situation where a third party demanded a larger share than initially agreed upon, considering both confrontational and peaceful options. The team discussed sharing the spoils with the absent Zurch upon his return. Angelo excitedly shared his new Ventriloquism spell with the group, who discussed its potential uses alongside other spells. The team expressed disappointment over not finding scrolls during the expedition.
Snowy Region Base Tracking and Security
Dog and Angelo discussed tracking a base in the snowy region, with Dog extending the tracking area by 80 feet into the tree line. Angelo suggested Dog take the first watch on a tower, and a rotation was set for subsequent watches involving Slash, Dixon, and Mark Craft. No incidents occurred during the night. Zert departed with prisoners, donkeys, and supplies, expecting a share of any treasures found. The group then discussed securing the premises against intruders by blocking access points and potentially hiring guards from a nearby loyal village. They planned to bury the chest's contents and retrieve them later. Dixon suggested getting dogs as added security. The group intended to return to town on the 23rd at 3:00 PM to resupply and receive their next mission, possibly involving the tower of the two rod parts. Angelo mentioned a scenario where the team would wake up the next morning after an unspecified event, with hit points to recover.
Aurora's Cultist Journal and Abbey Journey
Angelo presented Aurora's cultist journal, referencing elemental cults and their rivalry. The team decided to return to the Abbey with information to locate the next fire elemental rod part sent to the Temple of Elemental Evil. They planned their journey, packing supplies on a horse, constructing sleds, and utilizing secondary skills for potential snow issues. Slash and Dog volunteered to carry extra blankets and tarp.
Treasure Loading for Medium War Horse
Angelo, Slash, and Dixon discussed how much treasure they could carry on a medium war horse. They decided to take 1,500 gold pieces, 20 platinum pieces, and leave 1,000 silver pieces buried. This totals 3,500 gold pieces of weight capacity, which the horse can carry along with their rations. Dixon plans to leave his share of the treasure buried as well.
Equipment and Supplies for Upcoming Mission
The team discussed the equipment and supplies needed for an upcoming mission. They decided to bring along various items including torches, oil, bolts, crossbows, spears, water skins, rope, and blankets. Angelo estimated the weight of the equipment to be around 2,600 pounds, which they agreed would not overload their horse. Additionally, they planned to take extra food and two potions - one for invisibility and one for extra healing. The team also discussed the possibility of hiding some of the equipment, such as the bolts for the crossbows, to avoid detection.
Team's Destination and Ship Adjustments
The team, consisting of Angelo, Dixon, Slash, and Dog, deliberated on their next destination, debating between Abbey and a church, and the potential dangers of their journey. They also discussed the possibility of burying their ship with dwarves or going empty-handed to replace the weight with more weapons. The team considered disrupting a cult and using a rod to seal the temple, with the decision to present their gathered evidence to the Lord. They planned to continue their journey the following week, focusing on favorable weather conditions, and discussed the status of their team members, including the need for more players.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Chapter 2 / Episode 29 - Assault on the Watchtower

Readying 22

Assault on the Watchtower

Meeting summary for Hommlet Dark (08/15/2024)

Quick recap

The team discussed survival strategies in a snowy environment and planned a mission to cast a sleep spell on their enemies. They also engaged in various combat encounters, including battles with human bandits, monsters, and a group of bugbears. Lastly, they explored a hidden chamber containing valuable items and discussed the need to reconstruct a weapon to banish evil forces, as well as the distribution of XP and treasure among the group members.

Next steps

• All party members to level up their characters.

• Angelo to compile a list of magical items found and post it on Roll20.

• Party to divide up loot and magical items at next session.

• Party to use the rod to detect good/evil alignment of rescued prisoners.

• Party to send Zert with rescued prisoners back to town.

• Party to give Zert 2 gems and 10 gold pieces as payment.

• Party to provide Zert and prisoners with food for the journey.

• Angelo to review the found book for any spells.

• Angelo to provide details of book contents to the party.

• Party to decide how to handle the tower as their new base.

• Party to plan for restocking supplies and potential caravan raids.

• Spoogie to review found book for any useful spells.

• Party to determine what to do with the magical mace.

• Dog to replenish arrow supply from found barrel.

• Party to rest and recover in the tower for a few days.


Snow Survival Strategies and Target Location

The team engaged in a lively discussion about survival strategies in a snowy environment, with Angelo providing guidance on how to collect water and navigate through the winter. The conversation then shifted to a more serious tone as the team realized they needed to re-enter the shelter due to the harsh conditions. They also discussed their plans to visit a location, possibly by donkey, and the possibility of not being seen or having a guard out due to an impending storm. The team also debated their strategy to approach a target location, with Dog deciding to scout the area first. They also discussed the possibility of using oil to extinguish a fire they observed at the target location.

Spignoir's Sleep Spell Strategy

Angelo proposed a plan to use Spugniorr's abilities to cast a sleep spell on their enemies, provided they were within 40 yards. The team agreed to this strategy and set out towards the enemy's location, despite the harsh weather conditions. Angelo led a group on a mission to get close to a target for the spell to be cast, with each team member having specific roles to play. They encountered obstacles such as a river and icy roads, but persevered. Once they reached the target, the ranger cast the spell, causing three of the targets to fall asleep. The team then moved in to finish the job, with Dog going towards the fire to start cutting throats and the others covering him.

Tower Door, Fire, and Role-Playing Game

Angelo, Slash, Dixon, and Crush engaged in a discussion about a door in a tower that led to a room with a fire. Slash's quick thinking and agility saved the group from harm when two unidentified individuals attacked them with oil. The group also participated in a role-playing game led by Angelo, where they took turns rolling dice to determine the outcome of various actions. Unfortunately, despite the efforts of the group, Dixon, who had a high dexterity score, was eliminated from the game due to the flames.

Dungeons, Dragons, and Monster Encounters

Angelo led a group through an unknown location, encountering various obstacles such as human bandits, an armory, and a room with two doors. They also engaged in a discussion about a game of dungeons and dragons, sharing their experiences and opinions about their favorite baseball teams. Later, as they explored a room on the first floor, they were confronted by a group of monsters including bugbears, knolls, and a plate-mail-clad fighter. The group employed various tactics to defend themselves.

Strategizing Bugbear Attack and Defense

The team discussed their strategy for attacking a group of bugbears. Angelo instructed the team to take turns rolling a d6 for initiative and then attacking the bugbears based on their positions. The team members used a variety of weapons and tactics, including ranged attacks and melee strikes. The bugbears were described as large creatures, and the team had to be careful not to underestimate them. The battle continued with the team taking turns to attack and defend.

Combat Encounter and Attack Rolls

In the discussion, Angelo is running a combat encounter for the group. Dog and Dixon take decisive actions, killing some enemies. There is still active combat against the remaining knolls with Angelo describing the actions for the next round. Crush has questions about the mechanics of his attack roll against an armored opponent.

Crush's Attack and Dixon's Intimidation

Based on the transcript, Crush successfully strikes one enemy with a 17 damage hit. The enemy retaliates with 7 damage on Crush. Another enemy critically hits Dixon with a battle axe. After some confusion about the rules, Dixon plans to attempt an intimidation tactic against the remaining enemies on his next turn.

Knoll Combat and Healing Plans

The group engages in combat with several knoll enemies. Angelo describes the combatants' actions in detail. Dixon gets knocked unconscious but Spoogio plans to heal him. Slash and Crush deal significant damage to two knolls, with Crush decapitating one. Dog finally hits a knoll with an arrow after missing several times. Zert defeats another knoll after a struggle.

Charge Allocation, Usage, and Investigation

Angelo, Dixon, Crush, and Slash discuss charge allocation and usage, with each person having seven charges left per week. They explore increasing charges and healing using a D8 flat. The team investigates strange occurrences like fire, noises, and a humming sound upstairs. They search the second and third floors, finding valuable items like coins and weapons. Crush and Dixon loot items from noles and a bugbear downstairs. The group decides to investigate the source of the humming sound as their next step.

Hidden Chamber Discovery and Double Sword

The team discovered a hidden chamber containing a mysterious lady with magical abilities, who had helped Angelo escape from captivity. They explored the chamber and found various items, including a journal belonging to a 5th level assassin and a personal couch worth 50 gold. The team also encountered a humming mirror that revealed an illusionary reflection, leading to the discovery of a hidden compartment containing a piece of a rock. Lastly, they discussed a new tool called the Double Sword, which can detect evil or good, and referenced a potential blackjack, although its context was unclear.

Reconstructing Weapon, Clearing Tower, and Discussing Potions

They also deliberated on the need to reconstruct a weapon to banish evil forces and the possibility of using a magical mace. The group agreed to clear out the rest of the place, particularly the top floors, and decided to hold their position for as long as possible. They explored a nearby dungeon, discovered captives, and valuable items, and agreed to free the captives and consider staying in their current location for a while. The team also discussed the distribution of XP and treasure among the group members, the potential use of potions for extra healing and invisibility, and the need to detect and remove any evil individuals from the tower.

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Episode 2 / Session 36 – Assault on the moathouse

Coldeven 3, 576 CY Morning